Sunday, January 14, 2024

A time for mediation and a time for revolution. April 2016


A time for mediation and a time for revolution.


One look at my facebook page and you’ll see it. My two sides on display. Finding the balance between rising above the noise, and fighting against the machine is a feat I have yet to master.


Thought leaders such as Eckhart Tolle speak of the play of forms.  This Samsara world from which there is no escape. When I am in this place, I see that I am of most benefit by sharing the beauty in the world, the light, the hopeful nation. But so often this seems to be a very first world perspective. Much like that game, where you add, in bed to the end of the fortune cookie saying, I find myself reading memes and adding “unless you are poor”. There is this airy fairy, first world perspective about growth, self realization, abundance and the like. All that is well and good if you have resources, are educated, and have access to facebook to see the memes.


For most of the world, these platitudes are just that. Empty and void of any real power. Martin Luther King was among the most enlightened of beings, yet he took to the streets to facilitate changes.  Ghandi is another example of an enlightened one taking action in the world. Sometimes, its not enough to just mediate, visualize. Sometimes, we need a god damn revolution.


We are in one of those times. This is what makes Bernie so appealing. Sure, I have my doubts and no, I am not a political analyst or scientist. But you don’t have to be a political scientist to see the impacts of a profit driven economy on the quality of life for the worlds citizens. And here in the states we have it easier than most.

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