Sunday, January 14, 2024

Various Ponderings 2016-2019




There is this sense

That I cannot take the time

To write


I cannot spare the time away from mother

Because she may die, any day

Any time I take away from her is lost


So I feel obligated to sit in the living room

While she watches tv

And sit with her

Like now








Out of flow

Into the alternate path

Knowing whats to come

But powerless to adapt


The lesson will be taught

You have no control

Life takes you where

It wants you to go.


Trying to get back on track

Losing at each step


Out of sync, out of time

option to surrender

It’s the only choice


Feb 2019


Good Enough


The impact of judeo Christian education

Theology of self worth

And people pleasing


Jesus as the ultimate standard of goodness “Do as I do”

He sacrificed his life for US


Thereore in order to be “good”

We have to be martyrs

THe ultimate lack of self

Therefore, we seek to have no ego, no pride, nothing held back. Give it all away


Leads to shame and guilt

When others question our motives

And don’t see us as “good”

Or having good intentions


Feb 2019


We Are Everything

We are kind and cruel

My mom is a self centered suspicious fear filled woman,

And she is loving and selfless and insightful and considerate

Yin/Yang – the middle way between both extremes…that we all possess..we are complete beings. The “choice” is what the mix will be, what we will cultivate.

“Shoud” is the most damaging word

Trying too hard to be loved.




Our lives our stories are written in the sky

Embodied stories in the theatre of time

The past is real, it was lived across the page of time

It is the wake we leave as we chart untouched powder

Just in time

Our lives are encapsulated. The length exists as a comet leaves its trail

Like stacking dolls

The past is in us, there is a shape to our lives, they exist in form

Like a song’s grooves in vinyl

Or a dance captured on screen.


I can’t bear to live within this box any longer

I feel constrained by the boundaries of culturalizatoin

I want to be free to explore the meaning of life beyond humanity, beyond our society


I am acutely aware of time – acutely aware of its presence or my presence in it

Like an atmosphere within which I live

In time

Yet there is no joy in this realization

There is a deep sadness, or poignancy.

Is this being awake?



The less personality, the more the One Self shines through.

The less person, the more One



As the fire fire flickers



Tongues darting to and fro

So the center remain

In it’s stillness


Grounded to its source


So are we

Minds darting

Business of the body

We remain in the stillness

Centered in Self



Listening to guidance

Plugged into truth

As we move our bodies

Is how we walk in the world

Participating in dynamic consciuosness while moving to inner guidance. It’s like this



There is no ownership of the Light

No need to be an original

There is only the one, original and primsry

Simply allow that light to shine thru you

As Jesus said. Who are you to hide your light under the bushel basket

For it is not “ours” alone

But the light itself coming thru us


This is my Karma work

To serve others

To be centered in self

There is nothing to do

But be in this recognition




What good does it do to wake up?


We are these little energy packages. We live in delusion our lives matter and then our lives end and what comes of the energyq, the consciousness? Nothing. It enters back into field of energy source


So this is how it is, what is the use of knowing this? Except to maybe not take ourselves so seriously. And enjoy life while we are conscious of it.


Seems like delusion going against what is natural. We call it asleep. But maybe it's the ultimate acceptance of what is.  We are little sensory creatures locked in our containers. Why try to imagine we are more than that. If it's so much effort, isn't it self aggrandising? As if we are more than these sensory moment to moment consciuosness


Why should the wave be aware of its presence within the sea?


Although you have to do something to see that, you have to do nothing to be that.


Enjoy the experience of being human. To truly marriage with spirit have to die. The longing to return will eventually be satisfied. Till then, enjoy the experience of the senses set of the emotions and thoughts it’s part of being human.


What was the most difficult thing, person, idea, or dream you’ve had to let go of? What happened in your life as a result of letting go?


Ok this is a tough one. I think it is still a process for me.


I’d say letting go of my image of myself as a physically healthy person. I developed an illness that for the past 16 years has pretty much wrecked havoc in my life. I had t let go of my profession, my image of myself as a strong, healthy woman. I still struggle today to accept this, and ironically, I am currently experiencing an episode of the condition, and have been thinking about this idea of surrendering for the past few days.


The other aspect of this is letting go of



Being the awareness is all we have to do which is why I am so content just being and seeing. It is a function on my enlightenment. I always called myself a philosopher but it's this. It's being the awareness and yes it is bliss to be his awareness while in the middle of "life" that is the difficult task we Crete doe ourselves




What makes something beautiful.


I am one of those people who see beauty in almost everything. I enjoy the act of looking, and seeing, both literally and energetically.


Beauty is in the details, in the majesty and richness of it’s essence. Whether is be the amazing colors of a tropical fish, flower or bird, or the height of a skyscraper shooting up to the heavens. The essence of things, of people – their characters and soul. Life is beautiful.


What makes something ugly? Ugly is hate. That is what is most ugly to me. Ignorance and exclusion. I think more of people and how they may behave when I think of things that are ugly.


Aesthetically, ugly is usually bland, created without love or attention to detail. Lack of love is ugly, regardless the form of expression.


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