Sunday, January 14, 2024

Various rants and ruminations spanning 2016-2023 - In no particular order




I  wake up with a sense of dis-ease, and  immediately attempt to practice moving from person to presence.. This is where the attachment lies. Do I really believe I am the not person? I am both, I am presence in the truth of reality, but I am also truth in form of a person. So what to do with that?


This comes to a head when I am faced with my ambitions. I want to write a book, or at least begin to publish again. I want to create a thriving private coaching practice “being human”, and the associated social media accounts where I spew my hard earned wisdom. I want to write a memoir, so at least my daughters know who I was and am and what my life journey was.


And then, I ask myself, why? Why is any of this important if your true calling is home to the absolute one consciousness? If this is the soul’s true yearning, why do any of these earthly ambitions matter one atom?


Then I scrutinize (I who) whose ambitions these are? Roseann Pascale’s ambitions? And round and round she goes, with a part of me thinking it is another false god to chase, and the other part validating it is important to make my mark on this plane.


I see others just write…they care not about their audience, or it appears their ponderings are worthy enough for them to simply share. Why not I? Why aren’t all these pages simply being shared to a a website somewhere? Why not create an instagram post right now instead of writing my secret journal.

Then of course, I think of all the journals being written…are all worthy of publishing? Perhaps. This is the gift of social media. De-centralized fame, and audience all your own.


Meanwhile, my mother’s 15 pages of writing lay in my suitcase, still unread. Do I imagine that by binding my thoughts and lifetime, my daughters will have any sense of urgency?


I have so many ideas, I act on none.


It feels like so much of daily life happenings require the presence of the person.


We are the light, in the projector, our identity, our lives, is the film running through the gate, we are the light.


The mind and thoughts are like a barking chicuhaua – just barking for my attention.





Sometimes there is so much going through my heart and mind that I cannot capture it all. Today’s realization is that there is a critic, and naysayer, that causes me to hide my true self. I have been a spiritually focused person my ENTIRE LIFE. I have had the realizations, I follow my hearts calling, I know consiciousness is all. And yet, I hide this, I do not embrace this fully in the world. I do not shout it from the rooftops.


I got my degree in order to qualify. I am learning the colonist way of mental health, rather than following my spirits true knowing. I watched a Kyle Cease video,and he was unapologetically talking about non-duality. Rupert Spira, Moojibaba, Eckhart Tolle, Dan Seigal, Noah Levine, Tara Brach…Marianne Williamson…Deepak Chopra…so many courageous voices that speak this truth….but I am hiding it? I am protecting who? What? What idea did I inherit that this is sorcery, and I should be ashamed of it?


Its like I have some “scientist” in my head disputing this “pseudo science” and fear of being seen as delusional or a quack…but this is a denial of my truest hearts knowledge!


And then I see others doing this, and I feel jealous (I who- ego) I feel like “I know this, I knew this, how come I didn’t’”….its indignant. But meanwhile…WHAT IS STOPPING ME FROM SHARING THE TRUTH…Fear…fear of coming out as what?? As WRONG??? As Deluded? As flakey and stupid?


I think I am onto something here. I will break through this. I am here to break through this.


The escape from ALL FALSE TIES. I will wear a damn turban on my head God Damn It!  I will preach God and Love and univeral truth!


I remember when I put on the Mala beads at Zmar retreat. And I told myself I was accepting Moojibaba as my Guru. It was against this one, this cynic, this tight ass nay-sayer. I felt afraid, unsure, afraid of being brainwashed….cult, etc…Still apologizing to myself for being in the Ouspensky school…when at the heart of it, the wisdom of those teaching I still stand by, if not the organizers of the school. They were wacky humans, but the teaching….not the teacher…





As of I could get on the way if the process that is unfolding

It is not “me” doing this. It is “me” resisting it






On Being Human. It is not something I need to DO. It is something that will be done through me.




The two paths two lives. In NYC fresh canvas, old relationships lay dormant. As packages to be opened


What I am overwhelmed by:


My health situation - fear of postponing tests.

Having to find a new health insurance in NY

Money again…bummer

Do a budget

Watch Simple Profit explanation of S corp

Continue packing up

Why take the car? Paying insurance, gas and hotel to travel. Compared to getting a mover. Recalculate.


Post on Facebook - couch, table and chairs, little desk.


Get discs from Akumen


Longer term plans


Will I actually write a book in my lifetime?

Will I actually print a photo book?

Will I make enough money to support myself in NY




Seeing is not something we do; it simply is the truth of the witnessing- the witnessing itself at the highest level is Also a happening- it just is intrinsic to the truth of awareness as its nature. It s awareness - it is witnessing - there is no one doing it. No one seperate to engage in the act of witness. This is at the highest level, everything else is effort to witness which is still of the person trying to do something

And there’s the one who says “I got it”. But this is seen, not as a doing, but simply as a fact



No need for tightness or aggression- it is seen and that is all. Nothing more to do. It simply is noticed and as soon as it is noticed we are back in the place of non identifying- it is the p email who judges and wings her hands over what is seen as if there is something wrong or she has failed v lol. It’s ridiculous actually. It is seen is simply a fact and as soon as it is seen it is dropped off the who doesn’t get identified by what it sees and hushed that it is still there. The seeing is the freeing




It wants to be known as itself. It is not “my” doing. It is done. I can let go of the sense of responsibility- the sense of “doing”. I have nothing to do with it as a personal self. It is done. I am not this- and yet this body holds the consciousness- how to honor this magnificent incarnation?


There is pride. It is not mine. It is the persons. Who cares?


At times the strength of the signal appears to fade. The connection gets static -


There are nothing but Guruji’s words in the empty space of the invitation


There is a s nothing to lose

Emptiness it is pure emptiness- no quality


The self is nothing

Nothing to do let things come and go grasp nothing resist nothing

Not me writing this just writing the self

Empty of me


Allowing what is to be


It is Guruji’s Grace that will determine if I am to come before him


Everything can be. Play in form. Just don’t get attached


This calling is not my doing. It is returning to itself


Clear the brush clear the path


Free from ego=Freedom



I have nothing to do with it

The habit of thinking and feeling myself as a person is a habit

But it has no effect in the truth of what I am

Only the delusion of the experiencing myself as a person




I am already enjoying my Self. I am simply not always away of this truth like blinders on


It’s like negative space. Not what was thought or recognized. Turning the glove inside out. Nothing previously thought



Quality less. No I to speak from

It’s not something any I is “doing@ the observing is not an intentional observation with an observer. It is jus happening it won’t isn’t owned by any self. It’s just what is. It’s just happening or not a doing just a being a residing without a resider


I don’t recognize joy or happiness- there is no quality here


This is not my doing. I don’t need to be anywhere. Did not need to come to Sahaja. This is known. And yet I play and follow the impulse to ask as is felt spontaneously- I follow


The person wants money, activity etc. this is not that. It’s aims are contrary to the person. - so I don’t “know this” I don’t have to change anything the person doesn’t have to change. She can be whatever she is. That is not my self. No need to

Attend to or act let it be and unfold as is it’s destiny


This truth itself is wanting to be in the presence of the  Master to be absorbed

I am obeying this urge. It calls me like metal to magnet. Returning home like salmon swimming upstream


The yearning for truth is not if my doing. It was placed in this heart to its own fulfillment- my personal and self has nothing to do to claim - it is gravitational pull. The work is to honor listen and follow and discern the false veil of ego identity that may block true vision and union. To wake up out if the fog that was inherited by being born on the planet and fallen from Grace into personhood. The evolution is in process. I have to let go and let god do what he will. Like a river to the ocean it flies. The person builds a dam through the conditioning of humanity. I must be ale the same apart - the I removes the I yet remains and frees the true I shining as pure awareness





The path of following one’s truth vs the avoidance and anxiety keeping me moving, looking for what’s next. When truth is always here, where I am.







The  mistake is getting upset when the thought come, the person is involved. Leet them come and go, don’t take sh  as or.


On emotion - what are they? A physical response


The most obvious verification of mind/body connection is crying when dad. The sensation in the solar plexus


Learn more about the vagus nerve




Non-duality includes the presence of ego/mind - not having to rid ourselves of it; but allowing it to be as part of the human experience of being - this is also transcending the mind. It exists inside all that is one



Go crazy or wake up


Suffering is how you experience something,

As is beauty



Not in the thing, in the perception of it.


In order to transcend it you have to face it.





Reintroduction to self




I just want to know who I am I want to find out who I am without other people around re-introduction to myself.




Day one flight to NYC. Eric is very sweet but beefing with him these past few days after being away for a month reminds me of why I cannot live with him full time. He takes up alot of space. Which chi is his space to take up.


His energy is Yang when he is on. He speaks loudly. His voice permeates the space there is no place in the apartment that it does not reach. My options are to our headset on listen to music etc. which is doable but leaves my e feeling stifled. Of course many people have to manage roommate situations as I have when a young woman. But now at this time of my life I want my own space. It feels selfish and a bit privileged to say, and I am privileged and I am humbly grateful for my position in life when so many others are suffering terrible circumstances- how do I have the audacity to reject an ocean view free of charge? Feels ungrateful and yet, my spirit needs peace- and I am able to create it. And so I will follow my heart as I have been granted to follow.


601 E20th


Not sure what I am beginning, all I know is I keep moving forward. I hope I haven’t hurt anyone unnecessarily along the way.


My heart does hurt.






I am still grieving the loss of my role as mother. 5 years later, I am now actually going to experience being alone. I don’t understand the nature of this internal longing, this grief, but my best guess is the my children were my most secure attachments speak clinically. They were my hearts home, and being their mother, and the nature of being a single mother. the level of devotion and self sacrifice required, seared into my heart a bond that I still cannot manage the breaking of.


My youngest daughter and I just spent two weeks together in Barcelona. And it was lovely on the surface. We had a few meaningful conversations, and saw sites, spent time on the beach. From the outside, from my intasgram posts, we look like a very close - but inside of me, I felt a disconnect.


I felt my daughter was aloof, keeping me at arms length, avoiding really intimate conversations. She was distracted by work, and exhausted. I felt for her she was checking off a box, some idea of being close and doing something with her mother that by appearances fit the bill for a good time and making memories. She worked at being present…in herself. Not relationally. We were not connected relationally. The energy, the flow was boundaried. She had walls up.


Everyone will say this was appropriate. I know that is most likely true. Perhaps what I miss is actually an enmeshed relationship. The dreaded enmeshed parent. I accept this is most likely the truth. And I accept that my daughter has to keep boundaries up. That is appropriate. She is her own person living her own life, not my little girl anymore.


But for the purposes of this writing, I am going to speak of my pain. My longing, my grief. That is all. I am not saying it is right, or whining that something is wrong, or that I have been wronged in any way.


I am simply going to give expression to the pain. To the tears that flood my eyes when I feel at all cut off from either of my daughters. God knos there are scars from the cut off with Noelle.


It is my problem. It is something “wrong” with this mother’s heart.


But can we explore that? Can we allow for the possibility that maybe there is something normal about his? even from a biological level. Could it be that my DNA is crying out. That is feels the connection and longs for the intimacy.


It is understandable that someone in my position would have this extended grief. I went through a traumatic experience raising my daughters. I was alone in the effort ,i wore myself to the ground being the primary breadwinner, caretaker and mother. I tried to do it all 110%.


At the same time, just a few years before my divorce from their father ,I came down with an immune disorder. The connection between my level of unhappiness in that marriage, the stress of working a full time job and raising two children in an unhappy marriage, it triggered my immune disorder. And the next 10 years of raising them alone I also had to manage severe illness, financial desperation, going back to graduate school to buy myself a future. Yes, I have a story to tell.


So it feels like a loss. It feels like I worked so hard, gave my life to the effort….and although we have all heard it so many times…then the parent is left high and dry. Does anyone really talk about how much that hurts? About how, although expected and normal, how much it feels like a complete abandonment.


The fairy tail of repunzle hits it on the head. The mother archetype wants to keep her daughter locked away..”don’t you see how happy we are together>” Why; do you want to leave me to be with that man? We could be happy together forever.


Again, I realize this is pathological. I am not making any claims that this is justifiable or right. I am just saying this line of thought and emotion exists so lets talk about it.


For mothers who were betrayed by their man, in whatever circumstances were, are left to pour all of their love into their children. And it is a love like no other. These adorable dependent little creatures need you for their very survival. We know that infants are adorable as evolutions strategy to assure their survival. Apparently, we are such visual creatures we needed that addition perk.


And they adore you. A pet time 1000. They want to be with you all the time, they crawl all over you, the hugs and love are scrumptious.


So you pour yourself into them .Its classic. The relationship between the man and women becomes strained, so the mother pours herself into her children.


And then after 20 years, they are done with you. You are forced into retirement. You are slowly cut off from the daily reminders that you are loved. A weekly phone call becomes a negotiation.


Again, nothing new being said here…but there is great emotional pain involved in this. I cry rivers of tears, often. Silently, More than anyone would know.


But it has to be in silence, because there is so much shame and admonition. Few can actually just allow you, acknowledge the pain. everyone wants to talk you out of it, remind you how it is appropriate for them to go live their own lives, encourage you to “move on”. No shit sherlock. Thanks for telling me what I know rationally. This is not a rational love, or longing. This runs in your maternal blood. The week long reminder of your purpose on the planet as a woman that last your entire adult life…its tied to that. A built in biological coding. Its a love and bond formed in life and evolution itself. It is eternal and core to being human.


But they reject you. - they have to cut you off to make their own path. At least at first.


So I will move to NY to distract myself. To finally face that I am no longer primarily “mom”. It was the most important job I had, but it is over. I moved right into being “devoted daughter” to my mom, and then reluctant partner to Eric during Covid. Now its time to finally face being alone.


This is 60.








There is grief as the recognition that nothing on this plane has meaning - there is grief in the person to realize these attachments are ephemeral-what are they? How to honor this incarnation with respect -?to bow to creation and the sacredness of life and relationships and care. To cherish others. When we say I love you is that not meaning ful? This is love versus attachment to the form. How to stand in this. Is all that is of this life meaningless? Temporary? The place of non dislike where this life this temporary incarnation is also blessed as sacred and honored as such. Illuminate dear master.


What is the state of sleep when awareness and consciousness is not known?


It wants to be known as itself. It is not “my” doing. It is done. I can let go of the sense of responsibility- the sense of “doing”. I have nothing to do with it as a personal self. It is done. I am not this- and yet this body holds the consciousness- how to honor this magnificent incarnation?


There is pride. It is not mine. It is the persons. Who cares?


At times the strength of the signal appears to fade. The connection gets static -


There are nothing but Guruji’s words in the empty space of the invitation


There is a s nothing to lose

Emptiness it is pure emptiness- no quality


The self is nothing

Nothing to do let things come and go grasp nothing resist nothing

Not me writing this just writing the self

Empty of me


Allowing what is to be


It is Guruji’s Grace that will determine if I am to come before him


Everything can be. Play in form. Just don’t get attached


This calling is not my doing. It is returning to itself


Clear the brush clear the path


Free from ego=Freedom



I have nothing to do with it

The habit of thinking and feeling myself as a person is a habit

But it has no effect in the truth of what I am

Only the delusion of the experiencing myself as a person




I am already enjoying my Self. I am simply not always away of this truth like blinders on


It’s like negative space. Not what was thought or recognized. Turning the glove inside out. Nothing previously thought



Quality less. No I to speak from

It’s not something any I is “doing@ the observing is not an intentional observation with an observer. It is jus happening it won’t isn’t owned by any self. It’s just what is. It’s just happening or not a doing just a being a residing without a resider


I don’t recognize joy or happiness- there is no quality here


This is not my doing. I don’t need to be anywhere. Did not need to come to Sahaja. This is known. And yet I play and follow the impulse to ask as is felt spontaneously- I follow


The person wants money, activity etc. this is not that. It’s aims are contrary to the person. - so I don’t “know this” I don’t have to change anything the person doesn’t have to change. She can be whatever she is. That is not my self. No need to

Attend to or act let it be and unfold as is it’s destiny


This truth itself is wanting to be in the presence of the  Master to be absorbed

I am obeying this urge. It calls me like metal to magnet. Returning home like salmon swimming upstream


The yearning for truth is not if my doing. It was placed in this heart to its own fulfillment- my personal and self has nothing to do to claim - it is gravitational pull. The work is to honor listen and follow and discern the false veil of ego identity that may block true vision and union. To wake up out if the fog that was inherited by being born on the planet and fallen from Grace into personhood. The evolution is in process. I have to let go and let god do what he will. Like a river to the ocean it flies. The person builds a dam through the conditioning of humanity. I must be ale the same apart - the I removes the I yet remains and frees the true I shining as pure awareness



I have been a student of  Moojibaba since first hearing a You Tube video in 2015. My reason for wanting to come to Monte Sahaja is to receive the darshan of  Moojibaba's Grace to stabilize in the truth of being pure awareness.


I attended my first retreat at Zmar in Sept. 2017, and was blessed to be called upon at that time.  The impact of this encounter lead to immediate and clear realizations of the attributes of the personal self, which continue to be revealed, layer by layer. I was also blessed to have traveled for a Sunday Satsang in Sahaja following the retreat. I have attended many additional online retreats. I am currently serving as an administrator for the NYC Sangha. 


Guruji's current offerings of Satsangs and contemplations have lead to deep recognition of the truth that there is literally nothing to do, nothing to change, only to be aware. All is on the screen and seen by impersonal being and awareness, the manifestation of form following from that. Here, words no longer can be spoken without risky contortion.


I seek to be  in the field with others, and for the Master's Grace to illuminate that which keeps the awareness bound and distracted by identification with the personal life, with all attachments, the deepest being in the identification with role of mother, in the name of Love. This is the strongest attachment. LIke the banana in a jar, it is difficult to let go.


I will be in Europe in  October, and would be so blessed to be able to have the chance to spend time in  Monte Sahaja. If it is not possible at this time, then any time that may be 

offered will be received with joy.


Humbly and with gratitude for the Truth that  has been received by this heart.




Dearest Guruji,


In listening to your recent contemplation, "History-less being", your pointings lead to the true realization of no thingness. No self defined.


Yet, (I) struggle to reconcile this seeing of the truth of unreality of names and forms, with the experience of human suffering. I am in the US. Recent happenings are extremely saddening. Injustices, unprovoked taking of innocent lives and pain from these violations. To hold these as miniscule or insignificant feels deeply painful, even immoral, and weighs on this compassionate heart. There is an urge to be active and make efforts to prevent these happenings.


How do we occupy this space between being human and recognition of no self in light of these happenings? To be in the world but not of it?


Please lift the veil and shed the light of your understanding, Master. 


Rose, NYC Sangha


John 202 345-5887


Hello Dear Sangha,


I am called to ask for an invitation to visit Monte Sahaja. I have been a student of Moojibaba since first hearing a You Tube video in 2015. I attended my first retreat at Zmar in Sept. 2017, and was blessed to be called upon at that time. The impact of this meeting lead to clear realizations of the limitations of the personal self, which continue to be seen. I have attended many additional Satsangs online, and am currently the administrator for the NYC Sangha.


My reason for wanting to come to Monte Sahaja is to receive the darshan of Moojibaba's Grace to stabilize in the truth of being pure awareness. The recent Satsangs and contemplations have lead to deep knowing that there is nothing to do, nothing to change, only to witness, that all is on the screen of impersonal awareness. The I has removed the I, yet remains the I. I am nothing, but the impersonal essence that is. All else is the manifestation of form following from that. Here, words no longer can be spoken without contortion.


I seek to be in the field with others, and for the Master's Grace to illuminate that which keeps the awareness bound and distracted by identification with the personal life, with all its fears, delusions and attachments.


I will be in Europe in October, and would be so blessed to be able to have the chance to spend time in Monte Sahaja. If it is not possible at this time, then any time that may be offered will be received with joy.


Humbly and with gratitude for the Truth that has been received by this heart.



Even the one who needs to be alone is a shape…there is grief letting go of the idea of a separate self, I feel affection and care for her. She has been through a lot and is a lovely soul. She has moved with heart and toward truth, she is a generally good person with also dark shadow sides. I am not this ad have to grieve it…let it go, allow no shape


I do not know how to move in the world as this…without th attachment to this shape how do I interact with the world. I care about nothing. Nothing matters. It is all a play. All I am to do it be and observe and allow the beauty to be perceived, to be awake to this manifestation, to be in the active state of attention to what is in front of me at all times, to allow the experiences to come and go and not to cling to any or try to make any permanent. nothing nis permanent. ride the wave.


I seek to come to monte sahaja to be in the sangha field and gain the support and auspicious environment to assist with stabilizing in the truth that has been seen. I have a reminder, not to let the right hand know what the left hand is doing, because I know my person will try to understand the truth as an experience and contort it to be something that the mind can think it understands so I try not to look directly at it. Mooji’s metaphor of the glove inside out is a pointer that is felt in the heart, the truth of who I am is nothing the mind can understand…it is simply what is…the life force itself. I know that I do not need to be in Sahaja in carnal form to wake up, and it would be certainly auspicious and i was led to ask. I cannot know what is to be, all I can do is make my claim, ask to be seen and then it is in God’s hand.s


The yearning for truth is not if my doing. It was placed in this heart to its own fulfillment- my personal and self has nothing to do to claim - it is gravitational pull. The work is to honor listen and follow and discern the false veil of ego identity that may block true vision and union. To wake up out if the fog that was inherited by being born on the planet and fallen from Grace into personhood. The evolution is in process. I have to let go and let god do what he will. Like a river to the ocean it flies. The person builds a dam through the conditioning of humanity. I must be ale the same apart - the I removes the I yet remains and frees the true I shining as pure awareness


“The sorrows of duty, Like the heat of the sun, Have scorched your heart. -- Read more:


 It is not personal, there is no person to become enlightened…no personal achievement.


I practiced the guidance today, and again came to the understanding that there is nothing to do, nothing to get rid of, effortless awareness, no trying to change anything or be anything, just seeing and being in the space of effortless awareness, which just is….there’s nothing we have to do! with everything on the screen of consciousness.


How to stabilize in this seeing…but perhaps even that question is the mind…who needs to stabilize when it just is.  Here is where there are no words.



Hello Dear Sangha, I am called to ask for an invitation to visit Monte Sahaja. I have been a student of Moojibaba since first hearing a You Tube video in 2015. I attended my first retreat at Zmar in Sept. 2017, and was blessed to be called upon at that time. The impact of this meeting lead to clear realizations of the limitations of the personal self, which continue to be seen. I have attended many additional  
Satsangs online, and am currently the administrator for the NYC Sangha.


My  reason for wanting to come to Monte Sahaja is to receive the darshan of Moojibaba's Grace to stabilize in the truth of being pure awareness. The recent Satsangs and contemplations have lead to deep knowing that there is nothing to  do, nothing to change, only to witness, that all is on the screen of impersonal awareness. The I has removed the I, yet remains the I. I am nothing, but the impersonal essence that is. All else is the manifestation of form following  from that. Here, words no longer can be spoken without contortion.


I seek to be in the field with others, and for the Master's Grace to illuminate that which keeps the awareness bound and distracted by identification with the personal  life, with all its fears, delusions and attachments. I will be in Europe in  October, and would be so blessed to be able to have the chance to spend time in Monte Sahaja. If it is not possible at this time, then any time that may be  offered will be received with joy. Humbly and with gratitude for the Truth that  
has been received by this heart. Rose



It wants to be known as itself. It is not “my” doing. It is done. I can let go of the sense of responsibility- the sense of “doing”. I have nothing to do with it as a personal self. It is done. I am not this- and yet this body holds the consciousness- how to honor this magnificent incarnation?


There is pride. It is not mine. It is the persons. Who cares?


At times the strength of the signal appears to fade. The connection gets static -


There are nothing but Guruji’s words in the empty space of the invitation


There is a s nothing to lose

Emptiness it is pure emptiness- no quality


The self is nothing

Nothing to do let things come and go grasp nothing resist nothing

Not me writing this just writing the self

Empty of me


Allowing what is to be


It is Guruji’s Grace that will determine if I am to come before him


Everything can be. Play in form. Just don’t get attached


This calling is not my doing. It is returning to itself


Clear the brush clear the path


Free from ego=Freedom



I have nothing to do with it

The habit of thinking and feeling myself as a person is a habit

But it has no effect in the truth of what I am

Only the delusion of the experiencing myself as a person




I am already enjoying my Self. I am simply not always away of this truth like blinders on


It’s like negative space. Not what was thought or recognized. Turning the glove inside out. Nothing previously thought



Quality less. No I to speak from

It’s not something any I is “doing@ the observing is not an intentional observation with an observer. It is jus happening it won’t isn’t owned by any self. It’s just what is. It’s just happening or not a doing just a being a residing without a resider


I don’t recognize joy or happiness- there is no quality here


This is not my doing. I don’t need to be anywhere. Did not need to come to Sahaja. This is known. And yet I play and follow the impulse to ask as is felt spontaneously- I follow


The person wants money, activity etc. this is not that. It’s aims are contrary to the person. - so I don’t “know this” I don’t have to change anything the person doesn’t have to change. She can be whatever she is. That is not my self. No need to

Attend to or act let it be and unfold as is it’s destiny


This truth itself is wanting to be in the presence of the  Master to be absorbed

I am obeying this urge. It calls me like metal to magnet. Returning home like salmon swimming upstream


The yearning for truth is not if my doing. It was placed in this heart to its own fulfillment- my personal and self has nothing to do to claim - it is gravitational pull. The work is to honor listen and follow and discern the false veil of ego identity that may block true vision and union. To wake up out if the fog that was inherited by being born on the planet and fallen from Grace into personhood. The evolution is in process. I have to let go and let god do what he will. Like a river to the ocean it flies. The person builds a dam through the conditioning of humanity. I must be ale the same apart - the I removes the I yet remains and frees the true I shining as pure awareness






It feels it is an oversight. And in the last contemplation Mooji shared the importance of being fair in life.


And so


I am asking for a way to also provide individuals the opportunity to share a registration.


As it is now, couples and families qualify for this opportunity simply by their relationships, without having to demonstrate financial need.


Individuals are discouraged from sharing a registration, and are asked to demonstrate financial need in order to receive equal benefit.


This seems unfair and to be privileging those who are in relationship.


My recommendation is to allow two members to share a registration, with potential additional caveats that there is one log in, and that they watch in person together, or share via their own screen share.


This is all in good faith.







Nothing can block truth, goodness, nothing can steal love from my heart.


Not awareness inform that form and awareness

Not consciousness inform but foreman consciousnessSeeing without the seer




Awareness is not an action. Be aware is residing in, not an action of some thing to do.


Should we not  accept the personal existence- otherwise we are in



resistance to what is. Knowing we are that why wrestle ghosts?


am 09.04.22


Who is there to “stabilize” in it.


There is nothing to do, just be, l Ave it alone, whatever is to unfold will unfold without effort.


Distraction is of no consequence


The perceiver can’t be perceived it can only be


The third bird cannot be “known”


How to we relate to the person, what is right relationships to it. Honor it?


Really comes to nothing to do. Nothing matter. Nothing “I do” matters, no efforts required


Don’t give up on life, none of it matters


Seeking the bliss of being is seeking experience


A mistake is not. Mistake if we learn from it


Don’t keep focusing on the wound, work with the medicine






Even the one who needs to be alone is a shape…there is grief letting go of the idea of a separate self, I feel affection and care for her. She has been through a lot and is a lovely soul. She has moved with heart and toward truth, she is a generally good person with also dark shadow sides. I am not this ad have to grieve it…let it go, allow no shape


I do not know how to move in the world as this…without th attachment to this shape how do I interact with the world. I care about nothing. Nothing matters. It is all a play. All I am to do it be and observe and allow the beauty to be perceived, to be awake to this manifestation, to be in the active state of attention to what is in front of me at all times, to allow the experiences to come and go and not to cling to any or try to make any permanent. nothing nis permanent. ride the wave.


I seek to come to monte sahaja to be in the sangha field and gain the support and auspicious environment to assist with stabilizing in the truth that has been seen. I have a reminder, not to let the right hand know what the left hand is doing, because I know my person will try to understand the truth as an experience and contort it to be something that the mind can think it understands so I try not to look directly at it. Mooji’s metaphor of the glove inside out is a pointer that is felt in the heart, the truth of who I am is nothing the mind can understand…it is simply what is…the life force itself. I know that I do not need to be in Sahaja in carnal form to wake up, and it would be certainly auspicious and i was led to ask. I cannot know what is to be, all I can do is make my claim, ask to be seen and then it is in God’s hand.s


The yearning for truth is not if my doing. It was placed in this heart to its own fulfillment- my personal and self has nothing to do to claim - it is gravitational pull. The work is to honor listen and follow and discern the false veil of ego identity that may block true vision and union. To wake up out if the fog that was inherited by being born on the planet and fallen from Grace into personhood. The evolution is in process. I have to let go and let god do what he will. Like a river to the ocean it flies. The person builds a dam through the conditioning of humanity. I must be ale the same apart - the I removes the I yet remains and frees the true I shining as pure awareness


“The sorrows of duty, Like the heat of the sun, Have scorched your heart. -- Read more:


 It is not personal, there is no person to become enlightened…no personal achievement.


I practiced the guidance today, and again came to the understanding that there is nothing to do, nothing to get rid of, effortless awareness, no trying to change anything or be anything, just seeing and being in the space of effortless awareness, which just is….there’s nothing we have to do! with everything on the screen of consciousness.


How to stabilize in this seeing…but perhaps even that question is the mind…who needs to stabilize when it just is.  Here is where there are no words.



Hello Dear Sangha, I am called to ask for an invitation to visit Monte Sahaja. I have been a student of Moojibaba since first hearing a You Tube video in 2015. I attended my first retreat at Zmar in Sept. 2017, and was blessed to be called upon at that time. The impact of this meeting lead to clear realizations of the limitations of the personal self, which continue to be seen. I have attended many additional  
Satsangs online, and am currently the administrator for the NYC Sangha.


My  reason for wanting to come to Monte Sahaja is to receive the darshan of Moojibaba's Grace to stabilize in the truth of being pure awareness. The recent Satsangs and contemplations have lead to deep knowing that there is nothing to  do, nothing to change, only to witness, that all is on the screen of impersonal awareness. The I has removed the I, yet remains the I. I am nothing, but the impersonal essence that is. All else is the manifestation of form following  from that. Here, words no longer can be spoken without contortion.


I seek to be in the field with others, and for the Master's Grace to illuminate that which keeps the awareness bound and distracted by identification with the personal  life, with all its fears, delusions and attachments. I will be in Europe in  October, and would be so blessed to be able to have the chance to spend time in Monte Sahaja. If it is not possible at this time, then any time that may be  offered will be received with joy. Humbly and with gratitude for the Truth that  
has been received by this heart. Rose


Without pain and struggles and suffering we don’t grow. To much comfort puts us to sleep


What a thing is is not in the thing but in the mind of the one who perceives it


Use the currency of consciousness to purchase your freedom


If you do not suffer your mind you cannot transcend it


The trouble you have in your life creates the aspirations for freedom


If you eat onions you don’t burp apples. Mooji


I feel every movement I make is suspect, so the best position is to stay quiet and still.


I feel the yearning to come to sit at Satsang, to give up the known external life and relationships and come to portugal and simply sit still.


I question if this is also a wanting from the person, an external movement, still some grasping, some false idea and wanting. Perhaps more true to resist this grasping and  stay where I am, because it doesn’t matter anyway…the where in space doesn’t matter. The teaching is in my heart.


Then I wonder if this too is a false voice, keeping me complacent, not yet wanting to truly be free so delaying the shedding.


How to discern what is false.



The weight of 30 years melting away. Rediscovering little Ro not tiptoe ing around another


My prayer as a child




10/16/22 –Traveling to Europe


Realization- my attachment injuries with daughters obliterates my own experience of my self.


Am I usually lost in thought? In internalization? In thought that I take to be my self. I’m Oreo with no our relationship and not present to the moment of leaving BCN


Olivia seems distracted, closed off, even as she says all the right things, she didn’t seem present. The flow between us was it rated. She needs things to be a certain way to manage her anxiety- and is above reproach. No resonance - lack of attunement between us. Subtle of course, nothing you would perceive from exterior- not a deep connection.


Is it ever enough for me? Who am I?


They are not “my” children- they are Life’s children, Gods creation. I was the portal.


They misunderstand me. They think I have a lot of fear. My life and choices are evidence that is not true. My fear is fear of harm to them. And caution based on intelligent evaluations of Risks. I see it as logical to consider risks, there’s no superstition or fear of speaking about and exploring risks. It’s simply the intelligence of the survival and maternal instinct


But I do see how my concerns for their well being planted fear in them, and for that I am deeply regretful. I didn’t realize that children don’t have the maturity to understand the context of my concerns- what they experienced was that the adult in charge of their care thought the world was a dangerous place. That was the unfortunate teaching. Perhaps I didn’t do a good enough job of also explicitly showing how beautiful it was. Although their appreciation of nature was cultivated by my own wonder and awe.


A woman ruled by fear does not move away from her home town, end a marriage with two young children after a brush with serious illness and the prospect of continued I’ll health.


A fearful woman doesn’t enter into a profession where she has to direct dozens of people including macho camera men and temperamental actors. She doesn’t sit across CEOs and tattoo artists and ask intimate questions.


A fearful woman doesn’t change her career in midlife, or choose to move away from a nice man, comfy set up and ocean view to return to one of the greatest cities in the world, alone. Or travel abroad alone at 25 and 60 years old.


That is not a fearful woman.


I am so grateful to be my self, and thank my creator for this life, and for planting the seed of truth in my heart. I will obey.




So This is 60


 There was a time in my life I didn’t know if I make it to 60. Those were very challenging times and yet I am grateful for them.


Those challenges taught me self reliance & resilience. They also taught me how to ask for and accept help from others and revealed my core strength and faith in myself.


I’m grateful for those challenges. As I am grateful for the many blessings in my life. That my eyes perceive beauty and my heart feels compassion. To know love and finally understand what truth is.



I’m grateful for who I am, Knowing that I did not create my self, I simply turned toward the light instead of the darkness, toward love rather than hate, and that has lead me here - to this inner peace and knowing my true Self. That is the greatest gift I could ask for.


I have been blessed through out my life for those who have shown me care and love, many are not here, but i am grateful to them.


I am grateful to my parents who did the best the could - who overcame their traumatic childhoods and raised me with care and love. I am so grateful for the blessings that are my daughters.


Thank you all for being here to celebrate this day with me, To celebrate my 60th year around the sun. I’m so so very blessed and grateful.8/21/22




Beloved one,

It’s most important to hear this,
that as I’ve shared before,
the importance of not
holding a shape
as your self —
even the vessel of the body
not to identify, ‘Yes,
this is the proof of me.’

This is how ego persists,
how it thrives,
because of the shape we retain
in the mind
of who we think we are,
or who we are afraid not to be.

And yet, it causes so much
pain and duality and suffering
and stagnation.
What I’ve been sharing with you
is to keep offering everything
into the light of consciousness.
The pure, formless, perfect
light of consciousness,
without holding a shape
or intention or desire
for some physical or
phenomenal outcome.

When I say offer everything up
it includes the one we often
take ourselves to be,
the personal self.

So when you do this,
fully do it,
fully offer up,
including the personal self,
and really go through with this intention
so that you don’t retain
the shape of a personal identity
to be the one who will receive
the benefit of your surrender.

It’s very subtle,
and I’m sharing it only with you
because you’ve reached a stage
where this can become clear for you.
There’s no ultimate shape,
there’s no ultimate thing to be.
So if your desire
even for the highest
retains a sense of yourself
to receive the fulfilment of the desire
you retain the shape
that preserves the I-me ego sense
and miss the highest seeing
that there is no ‘I’ to receive anything
including to receive
the ultimate state.

You cannot receive the ultimate state,
you can only be that.

When the personal sense of self
is thoroughly seen
as a temporary, or ghostly manifestation
inside the formless Self
it gets absorbed or dissolved,
and what remains is only that
which is indivisible,
not two — just one,
one wholeness,
that is the Self.

Please listen to this over and over
for as many times as it takes
to become clear about this.
This is the quintessential pointing.

Offer this sense of personal self,
and any shape we take to be our self,
into the formless awareness.
This is the King,
the Supreme Lord of the Universe,
which is our essence
and the one indivisible and eternal reality.
Be absorbed in this.
May by the grace of God
what has been shared here
be truly received
in such a way that
we merge in the oneness
that is our fundamental nature
and don’t get left out
as a person trying to get something.

By the grace of God,
by the grace of the Self,
may all division, duality, fear,
separation, ego,
be dissolved in the light of pure Truth.

Glory to the Supreme Self,




Idea for shirts


It is seen


Experience happens


The I removes the eye

Yet remains the I


Stop trying to be…

I am


It doesn’t have to be great

It has to be done


The truth is - I am


The to do replaces just being


Doing distracts from being


The ego hides in the doing to avoid the truth of just being


Om श्री गुरुभ्यो नमः||  (Om is missing so I added in English)


The first line श्री गुरुभ्यो नमः means salutation to the Guru or the Teacher.


Om Shanti Shanti Shantih:

Om Shri Guru byo Namaha:

Hari Om.


The H at the end is aspirated, meaning, you exhale as you make the sound ha or hi, the colon at the end indicates aspiration)





Consciousness is not mine, personal…consciousness is. It takes the suit of ego and personhood. It’s not mine. There is no me…it’s a play an illusion a shape a temporary shape taken each day upon waking up. It’s is put on like a suit. Consciousness enters it and animated it. Then subsides in deep sleep. Reanimating upon awakening. It plays all day in form. But it is not “mine”. There is no entity that’s exists in reality


What cries. What yearns?


There is no person. What is here. How to accept this is self?


I am. Regardless of what is happening in my persons life. I do not have to try to be kind or peaceful


I am even when my life circumstances are unhappy


I am

Ian always

Nothing to do, even in dark moments

Do not associate it with any feeling or mood or event


Just be in that space


Then the mind may become more quiet


The I am is not looking for anyvredl






During the retreat, many challenges came in the form of y relationship


in his unconsciousness my partner actions seemed to sabotage my efforts at peace and stillness


for the entire length f the ret retreat I was making efforts to regain peace and still ness so I ould fully take the opportunity


i was persistant, i slistened


On sunday morning after continued interruptions and provocations


listening to the guidance for the 4th time


it opened


lol, it opened!


In following your guidance it was heard in a new way, in the deeper place

I realized…I am even when my personal self is experienced

sadness or anger or disrption or turmoil


I am…the ground of being remains still there




Regardless of mood, I Am remains


Simply bring the attention to it


THEN the peace MAY come


but it is of no consequence.


I don’t have to be peaceful


I am peaceful even in the store!




I will trust your guidance an not celebrate prematurely


And yet I am relieved


I door was unlocked. I have tasted it

I have found the way, and therefore know I arable to find it again!


So Grateful to your persistent teachers Dear Master!\


No need to control the person experience

let her be sad, mad, funny, sarcastic, let her be


she is not stable, don’t try to make her stable


rest in the i am  return to the self


she may then settle, but it is of no consequence to the true self



by grace, was created a lovely person

A seeker

one who strove to be kind, to serve


and yet

this is not my true self

it is deeper than that


she was combined with my self

took it to be who I am

Its ok, it ok

She means well and is sincere


but she is a personality, and therefore unstable

subject to the whims of personhood

the mental states of sadness, resentment, longing


you are not that

you are beyond that

in essence

not a person who is trying to be


she is on the periphery of

the self by which she was created

on which she is a manifestation


its ok, let her be

but let her go

come inside



The mouth of the ego is always feeding




I am simply a faculty of consciousness.

I am not a person

There is no me.

I wake and consciousness enters as I am.

I sleep and it goes elsewhere or plays in dream


This body is empty, there is no person here

it is only consciousness playing in this form.


Who writes these words?

Some understanding of the truth

Consciousness itself staking claim to itsself

The thief of the personal ego claims it as its own

Consciousness reclaiming its true place

As all that is.


Consciousness playing in form

So what of “other people”

They too are simply expressions of consciousness


This is the only true ambition

To know this truth beyond all illusions1/23/21


All gratitude to you dearest Guruji, I will try to formulate my question with words.


As you say, in deep sleep, the "I am" awareness ceases. What is the relationship of soul or essence to what is eternal? What in us reincarnates into another life?



 When we wake, awareness is again experienced as I Am. How then can consciousness remain when there is death of the body, if it cannot not persist in sleep? What I remains? Are we an idiosyncratic soul?


Thank you Guruji for dispelling misunderstandings and shining the light of your understanding and Grace. Please lift the veils blocking the merging in truth of what I am.


My question concerns eternal consciousness and our essence or soul. When you ask us in the invitation, does it die, a deep humility silences my response.


What does eternal mean?  If awareness ceases in deep sleep, how can it persist when there is death of the body? You say “You have had other existences”…what is this  “you” that you point to…Your ”Own” Being? What in us reincarnates into another life?  Is this a unique soul? Please lift this veil. All gratitude to you dearest Guruji.



In deep sleep, the "I am" awareness ceases to be known. When we wake, I Am awareness is present. What is the relationship of soul to what is eternal in us?


Fortified fortifying


ji, I will try to formulate my question with words, but they do not come succinctly.


My question concerns eternal consciousness and the presence of a soul. When you ask us in the invitation, does it die, I am mute. Are we an idiosyncratic soul?


What is the relationship of soul or essence to what is eternal? What in us reincarnates into another life?


Thank you Guruji for dispelling the misunderstandings and shining the light of your understanding and Grace.


How to discern the false self from the true, earnest seeking.


At times it feels I have found and still something is looking. Always scrutinizing            - with questions


What is it in us that is pure, yet ideosyncratic? When you address us as “you” and “your”. Is this essence or soul, that is unique, yet pure?


What is the relationship of idiosyncratic “soul” to impersonal consciousness? Is it this that reincarnates?


Consciousness is not mine, personal…consciousness is. It takes the suit of ego and personhood. It’s not mine. There is no me…it’s a play an illusion a shape a temporary shape taken each day upon waking up. It’s is put on like a suit. Consciousness enters it and animated it. Then subsides in deep sleep. Reanimating upon awakening. It plays all day in form. But it is not “mine”. There is no entity that’s exists in reality


What cries. What yearns?


There is no person. What is here. How to accept this is self?


I am. Regardless of what is happening in my persons life. I do not have to try to be kind or peaceful


I am even when my life circumstances are unhappy


I am

Ian always

Nothing to do, even in dark moments

Do not associate it with any feeling or mood or event


Just be in that space


Then the mind may become more quiet


The I am is not looking for anyvredl




Chiropractor of relationship


Don’t get bent out of shape





walk with mooji thank you prayer


life takes care of life


I am the purest meditation


zmar you are the very thing you are searching for


That power you have to choose attachments or truth..who is you you speak of


Your inherent powers of discernment and find your way home.

Cannot die…


remember who you are - who is remembering




How to recognize the impersonal? How is it known without consciousness


What is it that reincarnates? Soul?




Self is in context of relationship

Like water takes shape of vase





 How to discern between true yearning for truth, and ego/mind grasping to “know” phenomenally.


Thinking of your bargain to be given everything; in exchange for consciousness - but where is consciousness during sleep? 


Consciousness itself appears and can be perceived - waking state


I think of infants. Are they enlightened, are they in the


You are aware you are consciousness.


It arises within  attention is power tools


Prior to consciousness...


Frustrating is the hangover of disappearing mind


 We conceive of ourself as something with quality, attributes; recognize not as an object but as consciousness. Make knowing consciousness a thing of self.


Without me as consciousness nothing can appear


I’m not seeing the world as it is, I am seeing the world as I am.


What is our correct position in relationship to this unique incarnation of the self?  Often it becomes an antagonist relationship toward ego, which is experienced as either/or and perpetuates duality. Can you point to the most auspicious position to align and honor this dynamic personal self  within the non personal universal self of awareness?


What is sleep and death - in light of what is, and the question can it die? How can we answer without consciousness. How can we know eternity? Aren’t peace happiness love qualities of consciousness and awareness?


Who has the opportunity to wake up if it’s not personal? What is waking up? To what?




 we are conditioned to think we have to have all the corners tucked. If you’re alert you wake up and realize it’s social construction designed to keep us powerless, looking outside of ourselves for that which will make us feel complete. Once we get in touch with our true selves we realize we are already whole, then everything is seen simply as the play of life. 🙏🏼


 Everyone just wants to feel special I want to know that there’s seen for their unique qualities it’s the most loving thing you can do is to reflect on their uniqueness


Mother as portal – from one world to the next




How ppl morph into each other

Friendlier to dogs than other humans

Complaint about loudness





The resistance to what is create lack of focus, distraction, and disorientation. Excepting what is completely one remain centered and still




And where does our beauty lie, where does the individuals so it’s creativity and its unique expression how is that not to be cherished? We speak of the person as a false entity, the idea we have of who we are. and yet, what about our beauty, our unique self, the loving beautiful essence and expression in the world, that has its unique color ,who do we honor and cherish that without thinking I am this





Being the awareness is all we have to do which is why I am so content just being and seeing. It is a function on my enlightenment. I always called myself a philosopher but it's this. It's being the awareness and yes it is bliss to be his awareness while in the middle of "life" that is the difficult task we Crete doe ourselves


Individuality is still there

It’s the use of pronouns.  You. Your

You. I am=consciuosness

Attention is a function. Not what we are


local living in Universal


Your view of the world is your view. Not truth




Are a thoughts attached to incarnations through conditioning? If there is no thinker inside self, then what maintains the atmosphere of certain repetitive thought patterns experiences by any one person? If they are random clouds passing, why do certain. Thoughts gravitate to a particular dynamic self?


What is specific to this incarnation? There is a unique experience being has, an experience unique to this body/mind. A felt experience that is not a shared experience. Where is that happening and to whom? Are a thoughts attached to incarnations through conditioning? If there is no thinker inside self, then what maintains the atmosphere of certain repetitive thought patterns experiences by any one person? If they are random clouds passing, why do certain. Thoughts gravitate to a particular dynamic self?


What is specific to this incarnation? There is a unique experience being has, an experience unique to this body/mind. A felt experience that is not a shared experience. Where is that happening and to whom?



No one carries change anymore – what that means for panhandlers





What was the most difficult thing, person, idea, or dream you’ve had to let go of? What happened in your life as a result of letting go?


Ok this is a tough one. I think it is still a process for me.


I’d say letting go of my image of myself as a physically healthy person. I developed an illness that for the past 16 years has pretty much wrecked havoc in my life. I had t let go of my profession, my image of myself as a strong, healthy woman. I still struggle today to accept this, and ironically, I am currently experiencing an episode of the condition, and have been thinking about this idea of surrendering for the past few days.


The other aspect of this is letting go of





I was caught on the horns of compassion and rage.


We cannot run away because we cannot in good conscience abandon our parents. Even if we do run away, they pursue us, because no matter what we do, it is not enough.


I was caught on the horns of compassion and rage. I saw Jack Kornfield’s A Path with Heart on a bookstore shelf and wanted nothing to do with it. Compassion was my problem. Look what it had gotten me into. Why would I want to practice it anymore? I didn’t understand what compassion was.

Compassion means caring for everyone, including yourself. It contains the irony of separating yourself from someone else even as you acknowledge that you are not separate. It means saying, “This is all I can do.” In The Places That Scare You, Pema Chodron says, “In order not to break our vow of compassion, we have to learn when to stop aggression and draw the line. There are times when the only way to bring down barriers is to set boundaries.”


I saw my place in our dynamic—how my stepping in, taking responsibility, trying to control a disaster—had given mom someone to rebel against. 


What is loyalty? What is compassion? What is forgiveness? It’s our suffering that unites us and divides us.




As the fire fire flickers



Tongues darting to and fro

So the center remain

In it’s stillness


Grounded to its source


So are we

Minds darting

Business of the body

We remain in the stillness

Centered in Self



Listening to guidance

Plugged into truth

As we move our bodies

Is how we walk in the world

Participating in dynamic consciuosness while moving to inner guidance. It’s like this



There is no ownership of the Light

No need to be an original

There is only the one, original and primsry

Simply allow that light to shine thru you

As Jesus said. Who are you to hide your light under the bushel basket

For it is not “ours” alone

But the light itself coming thru us


This is my Karma work

To serve others

To be centered in self

There is nothing to do

But be in this recognition






What good does it do to wake up?


We are these little energy packages. We live in delusion our lives matter and then our lives end and what comes of the energyq, the consciousness? Nothing. It enters back into field of energy source


So this is how it is, what is the use of knowing this? Except to maybe not take ourselves so seriously. And enjoy life while we are conscious of it.


Seems like delusion going against what is natural. We call it asleep. But maybe it's the ultimate acceptance of what is.  We are little sensory creatures locked in our containers. Why try to imagine we are more than that. If it's so much effort, isn't it self aggrandising? As if we are more than these sensory moment to moment consciuosness


Why should the wave be aware of its presence within the sea?


Although you have to do something to see that, you have to do nothing to be that.


Enjoy the experience of being human. To truly marriage with spirit have to die. The longing to return will eventually be satisfied. Till then, enjoy the experience of the senses set of the emotions and thoughts it’s part of being human.




Leave past, future, mind, self

What is left?





In life we all suffer

It's not your fault

Based ensure viable

Liberation is possible against the stream living in a radically different way

Mindfulness and concentration

It's not the experience that brings us happiness or sorrow it's the relationship to our experience this is true contentment this is true he's being at ease

Tentative craving for things to be close version for things to be compassionate presents with what is

Not enough to meditate, action reaction a call to pass him clear on how to live correct action

Changing the truth of suffering because we. Cling

Cultivate thought solution through conscious other. Thoughts

Difficult working the steps is not difficult it's uncomfortable. If you still care about what other people think of you you're not ready to be sober. To treatment to get your way or were you hoping for something different?




Non attach d appreciation

Come nditions come conditions go

Rope burns of attachment

Death will happen time is no own. Now what


Self in context to conditions

Anxiety as related to current conditions

Impermanence is change space for new conditions

Non fixed


A heart as big as the world

One dharma







Do u have a client brained for ur experience

 An u identified why the emotions are

What is inthe way of expressing your truth

Is it true. Timing usefulness Kind


Did you create yourself? Sharing of experience through telling our stories. Are you responsible for your own life? Sane selves. Old habits of action




Do u have a client brained for ur experience

 An u identified why the emotions are

What is inthe way of expressing your truth

Is it true. Timing usefulness Kind


Did you create yourself? Sharing of experience through telling our stories. Are you responsible for your own life? Sane selves. Old habits of action




You either let go or you don't. There really isn't anything in between. So let all of your blockages and disturbances become the fuel for the journey. That which is holding you down can become a powerful force that raises you up. You just have to be willing to take the ascent." - Michael A. Singer


"Curiously enough, if we primarily try to shield ourselves from discomfort, we suffer. Yet, when we don’t close off, when we let our hearts break, we discover our kinship with all beings. . . . Someone needs to encourage us not to brush aside what we feel. Not to be ashamed of the love and grief that it arouses in us. Not to be afraid of pain. Someone needs to encourage us: that this soft spot in us could be awakened, and that to do this would change our lives." - Pema Chodron






What makes something beautiful.


I am one of those people who see beauty in almost everything. I enjoy the act of looking, and seeing, both literally and energetically.


Beauty is in the details, in the majesty and richness of it’s essence. Whether is be the amazing colors of a tropical fish, flower or bird, or the height of a skyscraper shooting up to the heavens. The essence of things, of people – their characters and soul. Life is beautiful.


What makes something ugly? Ugly is hate. That is what is most ugly to me. Ignorance and exclusion. I think more of people and how they may behave when I think of things that are ugly.


Aesthetically, ugly is usually bland, created without love or attention to detail. Lack of love is ugly, regardless the form of expression.


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