Sunday, January 14, 2024

More ponderings on False Ties - April 2016


The escape from all false ties.


This is one of the tenents of Ralph Waldo Emerson’s in his work….


Since first coming upon this work, I have made it my guiding principle.


Its funny how we are influenced by things. A line of a song, a few verses from a book, can set us upon a path of a lifetime.


This is no more evident than in the bible. The west has its bible, the jews have their torah, the IChing and the Koran. These texts have set generations of nations on the path of right livelihood.


The escape from all false ties.


I am feeling this line particularly pointedly these days. In relationship to making a living.


Making a living, is not the same as making a life.


So often, we do things we don’t want to do. I have spent a lifetime chasing money, making a living. As a single mom raising children as a single mom, I like so many others life centered around the needs of providing for my daughters, keeping the roof over their heads their belly’s fed.


That was 20 years of making a living.


Now my children are grown, only one still riding my coat tails.


I am chasing a license. Some chase marriages, others chase money. I am chasing a license.


Goals are good, but what happens when you our live the goal, when the goal changes before you’ve accomplished it.


Sort of like training for the Olympics, and then when the year finally comes, not having the heart to compete.


Things can beat the passion out of you as well. Ask any doctoral student how they felt in the final stretch. Most would say they were ready to abandon the entire effort and go become a barista at Starbuck, I know one in particular who did just that.


False ties. We sacrifice our lives to case these dreams.but we don’t’ realize they are false until we start to get close to achieving them.


I hav teo turn this around. This sadness and despair. I have to wrk with it.


What can I tell myself


You tried. You made good on a heart driven goal. Your intention was to love, to help humanity. The system kills everything that is fresh and pure. Don’t let the spark die.


Ekt would say this is simply ego and resistence. I am creating my suffering here. This is the play of forms, I ma playing with it.


But the fear of money is not a game. It is harshe and pointed and related to dealth. Yet is is also


It is equal to blood an dwter. We have cretated a society of man where money is as essential as water.


This bothers me to no end.











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