Sunday, January 14, 2024

Why I want Marianne 2020


The reason I’m supporting Marie in Williamson‘s candidacy is because she has the wisdom to guide this nation through the quick sand we find ourselves in.


Williamson represents my values; values that I believe will give us the best chance of saving our democracy, and potentially our humanity. Marianne Williamson represents my voice on that debate stage.


We need to wake up. Isn’t that what those of us in the spiritual community have been working on for all these years?  Anyone who has ever reached for a self-help book, is practicing yoga, has sought spiritual enlightenment, and those who go to any house of prayer, should consider supporting Marianne. She is unapologetically suggesting that spiritual principles guide our political process. However, here is the important distinction, spiritual principles, not religious doctrine. So, what is are spiritual principles exactly? They support our essential nature and humanity.


“Spirituality is the path of the heart and compassion for the human condition”


“To the analytical mind, the journey of the soul seems irrelevant, and that is the beast, from there we are lost”.


In his book “Waking Up”, neuroscientist and author Sam Harris, makes the case for spirituality without religion. Harris notes the animosity many of his peers and secular intellectuals feel toward the term “spiritual” and seeks to disarm their objections by identifying the root of the word “spirit” derives from the Greek “pneuma, meaning “breath”.  Further illuminating the way in we speak of the “Spirit” of a thing as its most essential principle.


A self identified atheist, Harris implores his readers to take nothing on “faith” but to test his assertations in the laboratory of their own lives. I invite the same scrutiny toward the traditionally held liberal aversion to a discussion of the spiritual essence of the body politic, and to the candidate, Marianne Williamson.


Early on, the idea of a Williamson candidacy was thought of as a joke, the punchline to a late night host’s monologue. But after the first debate,  Marianne was christened by the holy ghost of Google, as the most searched candidate. Suddenly people started to pay attention to what she was actually saying, rather than their preconceived notions of her lack of qualifications for the job.


Marianne Williamson is sounding all the right notes, for a nation desperate for hope, for sanity, and for the possibility of redeeming ourselves. Marianne makes us believe that we still have a chance to fulfill the promise of the “pursuit of happiness for all men”.


Through her analogy to the “Wizard of Oz” and the notion over the past few decades of politicians being cut from some other, more legitimate cloth than that of the ordinary person. Not that Marianne Williamson is an ordinary person. She possesses one of the sharpest minds in the political landscape. She can only be considered ordinary in that she is not a “politician”. She doesn’t have a law degree, although she is as studied.


No, Marianne has devoted her studies to the history of our world and the spiritual practices of humans throughout time. She is well versed in all of the major spiritual belief systems, yet beholden to none. Marianne speaks to the one spiritual principle of Love. For Marianne, parsing political talking points and policies are scratching the surface - like waves on the ocean, while moral principles, such as caring for our fellow man, and justice that run as deep as the ocean floor.


Marianne Williamson represents the truth of who we are at our core, and the ideals upon which The United States was founded. She reflects to us  our highest possibilities, and our deepest selves. Marianne speaks to the best in us, and points the way past our small-minded, self-centered egoic thinking. She understands that our full potential can only be manifested by EVERYONE rising together, contributing their unique gifts to the magnificence of our democracy, leaving no one behind.


Marianne rejects scarcity thinking; that in order for some to have enough, others must go hungry. She understands true alchemy, and how positive, creative energy creates abundance. The parable of Jesus turning bread into fishes comes to mind. Marianne understands that we can create miracles, by harnessing the power of Love that resides in our hearts and minds. She looks evil in the face, as represented by greed, division and racism. She articulates a compelling vision of uniting as One American body, restoring our place as the keepers of the shining light of a true democracy, within an international community.


Marianne recognizes that we have to atone for our sins as a nation in order move past the wrongdoings of our violent birth in order to heal our collective trauma. To acknowledge our karmic debt to African Americans, which has been accruing interest over the past 250 years, and must be paid in order for us to walk together as one people.


For many of us, the election in 2016 left us incredulous and stunned—more like bitch slapped— but beyond all that, terrified of what was to come. The election of a slimy real estate tycoon and reality tv star to the highest office in the land represented nothing if not the beginning of the fall of any remaining dignity the American culture might have held. Worse, it began the onslaught of the destruction of our democracy.


Many of the values we considered impervious to the winds of change have since been challenged, and worse, destroyed. Since that time, those of us in opposition to the current occupant of the White House have suffered a collective PTSD. We are unsettled, easily triggered, hypersensitive and holding our breath for the next shock to our humanity. Many of us have been scratching our heads in disbelief at the depravity of our current administration, particularly the treatment of the asylum seekers; our fellow human beings.


During this dark time, many spiritual seekers have begun to wonder if evolution of the masses is a misguided ideal. Some dispute the belief that humanity can evolve, stating not part of cosmic organization. We live in a dualistic plane, yin/yang, day/night, pleasure/pain, good/evil. Equinimity may seem out of reach.


But if we look to science, we see that our species has gotten this far as a result of evolution. My personal belief, informed by my own study of spiritual texts, is that our evolution task is elevation of consciousness. And in that scenerio, this is our moment.


As a human being, Marianne has character defects, and she is aware of them. Thanks to the personal work she has done on herself over the past 35 years, she is closer to sanity and to a deeper understanding of what it means to be a human/being than potentially any candidate before her.


Marianne cut her teeth lecturing about the Course in Miracles, a text that has its origins as a channeled work, scribed by Helen Schucman and William ('Bill') Thetford between 1965 through 1972. Schucman reported that the book had been dictated to her, word for word, via "inner dictation" from an entity she determined was Jesus.\


I admit, this has always been difficult for me to fathom, and yet, the principles of the Course closely relate to principles of ancient Vedic and Buddhist philosophy, and so, I focus on the wisdom of principles themselves rather than how they came to be.


However, much of our Western civilization has been founded on an equally far out story, that of Jesus of Nazareth. If we can organize our culture for the past 2000 years around a story of a man coming back from the dead, the idea that a miracle is simple “a change in perception” seems quite tame, whether channeled by a researcher or not.


Though she’s obviously been thinking about politics seriously enough to have written a still-relevant forecast of our current storm more than 20 years ago, India says the conversation about becoming president began in earnest after the 45th man to lead the United States was voted into office.


Marianne Williamson’s understanding of the history of the United States, and the context within which it was founded is comprehensive. I suggest anyone read her treaties on the politics of love, which were first introduced in 1997, in her book  “Healing the Soul of America” and again refined in the more recent  “The Politics of Love”.


Marianne Williamson is no push over – she’s sharp, understands economics, foreign policy, boundaries and fair trade.  Listen to her speak; she has a great mind, and can articulate economic and spiritual principles in laymen’s terms. Despite what her critics would have us believe, she’s not floating on some unicorn rainbow colored cloud. She understands quite well what is going on and applies principles of spiritual truth applied to practical concerns of humanity.  She beckons us to  seek a “moral” awakening; really, who can argue with her?


Marianne quotes FDR that the most important function of the President of the United States is philosophical leadership. The role of the president, at this time in our history, has more of a visionary function.


 Congress and the Justice Department are there to keep the powers of the President in check. But the face we are showing to the rest of the world is reflected by who we elect to the highest office of the President. I would be proud to have Marianne Williamson’s politics of love be the clarion call for our nation. To be the beacon of light, and fulfill our promise of a “government of the people, by the people, and for the people”.


Yes, Marianne Williamson represents a metaphysical candidate in our cold political process and all I can say is Alle-fucking-luia


It is a task of our generation to recreate the American politeia, to awaken from our culture of distraction and re-engage the process of democracy with soulfulness and hope. Yes, we see there are problems in the world. But we believe in a universal force that, when activated by the human heart, has the power to make all things right. Such is the divine authority of love: to renew the heart, renew the nations, and ultimately, renew the world. Amen


Heirs to the European Age of Enlightenment – a movement proclaiming the inherent goodness of man-our founders expressed their philospophical vision in the Declaration of Independence and their political genius in the US Constitution.


Our founders primary genius was to rethink political power. They transformed political authority from a governmental source to a citizen source. It was not to be wealth or power of one’s outer circumstances, but the spirit of intelligent goodness which resides inside all of us that was entrusted with the authority to rule this nation.


Every generation must relearn and recommit to the foundations of democracy, as they are something that can never be taken for granted.


What would love do now, if called in to help us?


Love changes people and when people change we change the world around us


“We need to think deeply about our ancestors and more responsibly about our descendants. We need to awaken to“the cries of children, to the cries of the desperate, and to the cries of the earth. We need a revolution of the heart.”


“America’s democratic values—that we are created equal; that we’re given by God inalienable rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness; that governments are instituted to secure those rights—are the rock on which we stand. They come from the higher mind, and are the sacred calling of citizenship. More than any law or institution, those values are our only sure protection from tyranny. ”


“A person who lacks empathy or conscience is a sociopath. Similarly, an economic system that is essentially amoral—that does not factor empathy or conscience into its determination of right action—is a sociopathic economic system”


“What threatens our democracy today is an amoral economic worldview that puts money before love and things before people.”


“A new politics will emerge from a new conversation, speaking to both external circumstances and deeper truths. ”


“In the words of the French philosopher Teilhard de Chardin, “Someday, after mastering the winds, the waves, the tides and gravity, we shall harness for God the energies of love, and then, for a second time in the history of the world, man will have discovered fire.”


“It’s not naive to suggest that we reorient our politics around love’s purposes. What’s naive is to think that we can afford not to, and retain either our freedom or our survival as a species. ”


“Responsibility means response-ability. Fear is speaking loudly in the world today; now we the people need to respond.”


“Spirituality is simply the path of the heart, and if it applies to anything, then it applies to everything.”


“Our current unrest can lead to a national reset if we’re willing to become the people we need to be in order to do the things we need to do.

America has fallen, and now it’s time for us to rise.”


“Another fundamental American principle was articulated by Abraham Lincoln in the Gettysburg Address: that “government of the people, by the people, and for the people, shall not perish from the earth.”

Those ideas are not just abstract concepts. They are living, breathing forces for which hundreds of thousands of people have struggled, lived, and died. Every one of them represents a freedom in the absence of which every American would live a very different life.”


“Whether for an individual or for a nation, every crisis comes with two things: a reflection of who we have been, and an invitation to become who we need to become.”


“A new kind of American—a new kind of thinker and a new kind of citizen—needs to arise now.

And quickly.”


Excerpt From: Marianne Williamson. “A Politics of Love.” iBooks.



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