Sunday, January 14, 2024

Ideas for political opinion piece - Covid - April 2020

God’s World/ Man’s World – Who the fuck do we think we are.


Economy is based on an idea. Money is not real, it is an idea of exchange.


The government is seeking to “reopen” the economy, so that regular people can “go back to work” – IE Toil away to get money to spend to keep CEO’s wealthy.


People can’t pay their rent because they are not working. Their landlords can’t pay their mortgages to who? To the BANK…who is the bank? The STOCK MARKET, where people use money itself to make money – No service to mankind, just playing with money.


So if Joe Shmo doesn’t have money in his pocket to hand over to the banker, the entire false system of debt falls apart.


EVERYTHING that is done by humans can still be done, WITHOUT MONEY!


The only reason we need money is because some people want to hoard it, save it, because it is more powerful. Rather than have to earn their daily bread, they use their stored money to feed off of.


The industrial revolution fucked us!


What is of nature is perfect, provides for ALL of God’s creatures…except us? NO! We have created a second world to God’s world….MANKIND is the work of the devil! HAHAH.


All we need is food, and shelter. That is provided by nature…seeds, water. The animals of the earth do not use MONEY to survive or thrive. We see evidence of animals playing and simply enjoying their existence.


Those in power are prepared to put people “back to work” to continue to float a corrupt system of enslavement.


No Work=No Money= No resources…WHY? Because men at the top of the world want to sit in their thrones and do nothing on the backs of the rest of us.


We are out of touch with truth of our existence.





AND this is the great awakening. Some of us will wake up and see the Matrix, see the false system of oppression made by man, and some of us will misunderstand – those who want to “open the economy” don’t see that they are slaves….they are fighting to return to the shackles, they do not yet see past them.


Free market economy is an economy of greed and benefits a few.


Meanwhile, socialism and communism are derided by the same system of power.


Providing for all humanity is demonized…this is the ultimate slight of hand.


I have woken up to the truth.


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