Sunday, January 14, 2024

There is no right way - May 2023


There is no right way of doing any of it! That’s what she had discovered. For so long, she’d sought out those who know, the experts, asked for advice, any clues, a map, of how to do it. Not just how to do it, but how to do it…the right way.


She tried all of the recommendations and ways those who know pointed to. She followed their guidance, the subtle clues. She fell on her face, picked herself back up, and tried again, and again, and again. and through this process, she slowly whittled away, she collected some clues, and discovered, her own path, her own voice.


Eureka! One day it dawned like the early morning sun rising over the smooth glass sea, Its been here all along…I was looking in the wrong place….hahahahha.


And she burst out laughing, and she couldn’t stop laughing; she laughed a thousand galaxies, burst open joy and surrender.


When those who know saw her, they said she’d lost her mind.


And she had in fact, lost her mind, and found her truth.


Rumor has it, she was last seen walking into the night sky. When it is very still and quite, her laughter can still be heard in the depths of our own heart.


Now, those who called her mad and thought her foolish, they call her a Wise One , They travel far and wide seeking her guidance, her advice and clues. , They ask for direction, thinking She is one who knows. She welcomes them, and remains amused as they bump their heads, fall on their faces, pick themselves up and set again on the path.


She remains patiently, till the day, when she hears the laughter…knowing they have found the secret deep within their own selves. Her joy is knowing that they too become known as the wise ones. And so we all find our truth, as One.







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